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The Wonder That Was The Cylinder

  • Publisher: Spenta Multimedia Pvt. Ltd
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: One Time
  • * Shipping charges: Shipping charges will be calculated at the cart page
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Time (1 Issues) - Gift: NA 6000 6000 (0% Off)

About The Wonder That Was The Cylinder:

Authors - A. N. Sharma, Anukriti A. Sharma

About the Book - A fascinating account of India’s contribution to sound recording, The Wonder That Was The Cylinder is brimming with intricate details about a forgotten era of Indian history. It brings to light the country’s remarkable legacy in music, theatre and film through cylindrical recordings. The book contains an elaborate backstory for each artiste, filled with well- documented facts and painstakingly constructed through rigorous amounts of research.


Subscribe The Wonder That Was The Cylinder Online:

Subscribe The Wonder That Was The Cylinder on Indiamags and get your copy at doorstep which is being published for the first time and will prove to be of inestimable value to researchers, collectors and lovers of music and Indian history around the world.

Additional features
Publisher Spenta Multimedia Pvt. Ltd
Language English
Frequency of Publication One Time