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The Hollywood Reporter India Magazine

  • Publisher: Business Media Pvt Ltd
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Monthly
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Year Print (12 Issues)- Gift: NA 2400 2040 (15% Off)
2 Years Print (24 Issues)- Gift: NA 4800 3840 (20% Off)
3 Years Print (36 Issues)- Gift: NA 7200 5040 (30% Off)

The Hollywood Reporter is a 95-year-old American brand. It was founded in 1930 by William R. Wilkerson as the first daily paper for the entertainment trade in Hollywood. And now we have the pièce de resistance — the THR India magazine.


This magazine is a celebration of Indian cinema and storytelling. In these pages, you will find our finest artists, current trends, insights and information. And we don’t discriminate between high and low, soft and hard. Like a banging, masala movie, we are a many-splendored thing.

Additional features
Publisher Business Media Pvt Ltd
Language English
Frequency of Publication Monthly