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Journal of Organizational Behavior Management

  • Publisher: Consortium eLearning Network Private Limited
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Bi-Annually
  • * Shipping charges: Shipping charges will be calculated at the cart page
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Year (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 3500 3500 (0% Off)
1 Year Print + 1 Year Digital (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 7315 7315 (0% Off)
1 Year Digitial (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 6500 6500 (0% Off)

About Journal of Organizational Behavior Management:

Journal of Organizational Behavior and Management is focused towards the rapid publication in the following areas of

  • Management and Organisational Behavior
  • Evolution of Management Thoughts
  • Departmentation and Structural Formats
  • Organisational culture and Change Management
  • Systems analysis, management, training, and performance improvement
  • Human resource management
  • Applied behavior analysis
  • Behavioral systems analysis
  • Performance management
  • Employee safety,employee training
  • Stress, health, and employee productivity
  • Evaluation of employee satisfaction and feedback systems
  • Managing absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover
  • Use of monetary and nonmonetary incentives
  • Self-management procedures
  • Programmed instruction, behavioral modeling, and computer-aided instruction
  • Positive and negative side effects of OBM interventions


Subscribe Journal of Organizational Behavior Management: 

Buy Journal of Organizational Behavior Management on Indiamags and get your copy at doorstep publishes research and review articles, reports from the field, discussions, and book reviews on the topics that are critical to today's organization development practitioners, operations managers, and human resource professionals. The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management occasionally produces thematic issues that concentrate on a single, highly relevant topic. Past thematic issues have focused on organizational culture and rule-governed behavior; pay for performance


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Additional features
Publisher Consortium eLearning Network Private Limited
Language English
Frequency of Publication Bi-Annually