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International Journals of Nanobiotechnology

  • Publisher: Consortium eLearning Network Private Limited
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Bi-Annually
  • * Shipping charges: Shipping charges will be calculated at the cart page
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Year (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 3250 3250 (0% Off)
1 Year Print + 1 Year Digital (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 7351 7351 (0% Off)
1 Year Digital (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 6500 6500 (0% Off)

About International Journals of Nanobiotechnology:

International Journals of Nanobiotechnology covers the interdisciplinary field of nanobiotechnology and the recent advances in nanobiotechnology and nanotechnology. Journal focuses on the niche segment of nanopharmaceuticals, nanomedicine and is committed to make a mark in the field of research communication.


Subscribe International Journals of Nanobiotechnology:

Buy International Journals of Nanobiotechnology on Indiamags and get your copy at doorstep which provide in depth analysis and reviews in the fields of medicine and biology, with an emphasis in their interface with nanoscale sciences. The journal provides biomedical scientists and the international biotechnology business community with the latest developments in the growing field of Nanobiotechnology.


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Additional features
Publisher Consortium eLearning Network Private Limited
Language English
Frequency of Publication Bi-Annually