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International Journal Of Housing And Human Settlement Planning

  • Publisher: Consortium eLearning Network Private Limited
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Bi-Annually
  • * Shipping charges: Shipping charges will be calculated at the cart page
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Year (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 3500 3500 (0% Off)
1 Year Print + 1 Year Digital (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 7315 7315 (0% Off)
1 Year Digitial (2 Issues) - Gift: NA 6500 6500 (0% Off)

About International Journal Of Housing And Human Settlement Planning:

International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning is an architectural journal that covers a wide range of topics including sustainable cities, island developing states, real estate settlement issues, building material technology and other field that are related to architectural issues in housing and settlement planning.


Subscribe International Journal Of Housing And Human Settlement Planning:

Buy International Journal Of Housing And Human Settlement Planning on Indiamags and get your copy at doorstep which benefits a diverse readership of scientists, specialists, practitioners and policy-makers in government and in organizations dealing with housing and urban issues. Its main focus is on urbanisation in its broadest sense in the developing world.


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Additional features
Publisher Consortium eLearning Network Private Limited
Language English
Frequency of Publication Bi-Annually