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Femina Magazine

  • Publisher: Worldwide Media Pvt. Ltd.
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Monthly
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Year (12 Issues)- Gift: NA 1200 1200 (0% Off)

About Femina Magazine:

Femina is India's most trusted, most widely read women's magazine with a wide angle view of the Indian woman's world. Contemporary in tone and treatment, it spans the spectrum of subjects from fashion and beauty to relationships, health, self development and literary pursuits.Indian in spirit but definitely international in outlook and presentation, Femina has readers in not just the metros, but also in every city in the country, and is read as well by the NRI woman who wishes to keep up with the trends and changes in her country. Femina salutes and embodies the triumphant spirit of the Indian woman. 


Additional Information Of Femina Magazine:

Femina Magazine is a fashion magazine for Indian women's fashion and beauty from Worldwide Media Pvt. Ltd. Femina Covers all information about global fashion, beauty, lifestyle, Relationships, entertainment and culture. Femina Magazine is famous for its fashion trends, love, marriage, and family.


With this magazine, you can get information about  

  • Femina gives information about the latest entertainment and fashion trends in the world
  • Femina provides information about Interviews with inspiring women and lifestyle stories
  • Femina gives beauty advice and love, marriage, and family news

Order a monthly magazine subscription from IndiaMags and get a print magazine with special discounts and offers. Buy print and digital issues of Femina Magazine and get informed about the latest news and information.


Subscribe Femina Magazine Online:

Buy Femina Magazine on Indiamags and get your copy at doorstep which is first and most read women's English magazine in the country, has been capturing the essence of the Indian woman for 58 years now, and has not just accompanied but also evolved with her over the years. Femina Magazine which covers Fashion, Beauty, Relationship, Brides, Wellness, Life, Blogs and more.

Additional features
Publisher Worldwide Media Pvt. Ltd.
Language English
Frequency of Publication Monthly