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Engineering Success Review

  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Monthly
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
2 Year Courier (24 Issues)- Gift: NA 1920 1760 (8% Off)
1 Year (12 Issues)- Gift: NA 960 640 (33% Off)
1 Year Courier (12 Issues)- Gift: NA 1040 1040 (0% Off)
2 Years (24 Issues)- Gift: NA 1920 960 (50% Off)
3 Year Courier (36 Issues)- Gift: CSR TOP ENGINEERING COLLEGES DIRECTORY Worth Rs.350 3230 2710 (16% Off)
3 Year (36 Issues)- Gift: CSR TOP ENGINEERING COLLEGES DIRECTORY Worth Rs.350 3230 1510 (53% Off)

Engineering Success Review is a magazine published by the CSR Group with a view to making thousands of youngsters aware of the changing trends of questions being asked in Engineering Entrance Examinations. In every issue, it acquaints its readers with the important topics in the Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics syllabus of Class XI and XII, questions from which are asked in different entrance examinations. Besides, the magazine contains the solved question papers of recently conducted entrance examinations to give students a peek at the trend and difficulty level of questions. By practising to solve them, students can increase their understanding and speed. This gives them an edge over their peers in the entrance examinations. Apart from all these features, the magazine provides the Engineering aspirants with Top Mock Tests from Top Institutes which are prepared by experts in the field. Going through them and solving those questions, students can easily gauge the level of their preparation and make an extra effort if it is still needed.

Additional features
Language English
Frequency of Publication Monthly