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Construction Week India

  • Publisher: ITP MEDIA (INDIA) PVT LTD
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Monthly
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Year (12 Issues)- Gift: NA 2400 2400 (0% Off)
2 Year (24 Issues)- Gift: NA 4800 4800 (0% Off)
3 Year (36 Issues)- Gift: NA 7200 7200 (0% Off)

It provides all the latest news, trends, and project updates in the country. It includes in-depth interviews, features and special reports as well as a project focus section that gives full details on upcoming projects across India, enabling clients to source leads and spot current business opportunities.


About Construction Week India Magazine:

Get your copy now on Indiamags as Construction Week India Magazine as it is the magazine to read if you are eager to better understand the developments on the ground and how others in the industry are dealing with mega projects or the multifarious vexations that are a norm in this industry. It is the foremost business publication covering all aspects of the construction industry. It provides latest news, trends, and project updates. It includes in-depth interviews, features and special reports.

Additional features
Language English
Frequency of Publication Monthly