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Auto Components India Magazine

  • Publisher: Next Gen Publishing Ltd
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Monthly
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
1 Year (12 Issues)- Gift: NA 1200 999 (17% Off)
3 Year (36 Issues)- Gift: NA 3600 2250 (38% Off)

Auto Components India Magazine is a monthly magazine published by Next Gen Publishing Ltd in India. It is the leading automotive components magazine in India, covering a wide range of topics related to the automotive components industry, including:

* Industry news and trends: ACI covers the latest news and trends from the Indian and global automotive components industry, including new products, new technologies, and new investments.
* Company profiles and interviews: ACI profiles leading automotive components companies in India and interviews their CEOs and other top executives to get their insights on the industry.
* Technology and innovation: ACI covers the latest technological developments in the automotive components industry, as well as their impact on the industry and the end users.
* Manufacturing and supply chain: ACI covers the manufacturing and supply chain aspects of the automotive components industry, including new processes, new materials, and new challenges.
* Government policies and regulations: ACI covers government policies and regulations that impact the automotive components industry.

Additional features
Publisher Next Gen Publishing Ltd
Language English
Frequency of Publication Monthly