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The Caravan Magazine

  • Publisher: Delhi Prakashan Vitran Pte Ltd
  • Language: English
  • Frequency of Publication: Monthly
  Subscription Cover Price (₹) Offer Price
3 Year Print + 3 Year Digital (36 Issues) - Gift: NA 12000 6000 (50% Off)
1 Year Print + 1 Year Digital (12 Issues) - Gift: NA 4000 2400 (40% Off)
1 Year Print (12 Issues) - Gift: NA 3000 1920 (36% Off)
3 Years Print (36 Issues) - Gift: NA 9000 4800 (47% Off)
1 Year Digital (12 Issues) - Gift: NA 3000 1920 (36% Off)
3 Year Digital (36 Issues) - Gift: NA 9000 4800 (47% Off)

About The Caravan Magazine:

A journal of politics & culture, The Caravan is a magazine for those who love to read detailed, in-depth and insightful account of developments in the areas of politics, international affairs, economy, business, the arts and culture. It targets thinkers and leaders of every genre. The Caravan seeks to be different from other mainstream news magazine. It features longer articles written in a style that is normally used in novels and other works of fiction. It mainly carries cartoons and sketches instead of photographs. Its contents include: In-depth views on politics and international affairs. Long articles on politics, international affairs, and economy. Articles and reviews on social and cultural trends, art, cinema and books. 


Subscribe The Caravan Magazine Online:

Buy The Caravan Magazine on Indiamags and get your copy at doorstep which has established itself as one of the country’s most respected and intellectually agile magazines, and set new benchmarks for Indian journalism. The Caravan Magazine work with some of the finest reporters and writers in South Asia, and beyond, to tackle complex subjects at a depth which transcends that of the daily news.

Additional features
Publisher Delhi Prakashan Vitran Pte Ltd
Language English
Frequency of Publication Monthly